Monday, April 16, 2012

Learning to Sew...

I have been slowly learning how to sew over the past few months. It's becoming a  fun hobby, and I kinda feel like I am starting to get the hang of it! So here's what I have accomplished ....

Purses for my nieces, Abby and Hannah

Baby shoes for Rachel, I found a really great tutorial on a blog that made them very do-able for beginners. 

This baby quilt took me a while to finish, and I learned a ton during the process. It's called a strip quilt and is probably the easiest way to quilt (if you are learning).  I found out that my sewing machine is perfect for making quilts and has some fun attachments to make things easier. Can't wait for Rachel's little Lucy to get here soon!
back of quilt
Front of quilt
close-up of her name

So that's what I have been working on!  I already have a bunch more projects lined up for the next couple of weeks, most of them for baby showers since so many of my friends have decided to have babies. Stay tuned!


    Everything looks great!

  2. haha I know right?? I got pretty good at that hand sewing by the time I got to the last side of that quilt :)
